This was taken when I was working in Deauville in France back in 2006. I had a morning off from my day job and decided that I should take a walk with my camera to see what I could capture. I was pleased as I captured a number of really good shots that morning, despite the damp wet weather.
What struck me was the promenade wooden boards and the building on the left disappearing in the far distance. The sky was over cast yet bright. I knew this could be a problem but I was confident I could fix this in post.
Sadly however, my skills in photoshop wasn’t great back then and not great now. I applied a graduation to the sky but didn’t have the skills to get around the lamp post. I did remove a small building that popped up over the roof top on the left. This distracted what could have been a lovely clean line to the end of the image. Thankfully, I had the skill back then to pull that off.
I’m not sure if I was using Apple’s Aperture or Adobe’s early version of Lightroom at the time. Either way, both were able to render a monochrome image nicely. I feel this helps to focus all the way down to the end of the promenade without distraction of colour. The removal of colour also helped to add a subtle contrast in what could have been a very boring sky line.
Taken in February 2006 with my Olympus E-300.
What struck me was the promenade wooden boards and the building on the left disappearing in the far distance. The sky was over cast yet bright. I knew this could be a problem but I was confident I could fix this in post.
Sadly however, my skills in photoshop wasn’t great back then and not great now. I applied a graduation to the sky but didn’t have the skills to get around the lamp post. I did remove a small building that popped up over the roof top on the left. This distracted what could have been a lovely clean line to the end of the image. Thankfully, I had the skill back then to pull that off.
I’m not sure if I was using Apple’s Aperture or Adobe’s early version of Lightroom at the time. Either way, both were able to render a monochrome image nicely. I feel this helps to focus all the way down to the end of the promenade without distraction of colour. The removal of colour also helped to add a subtle contrast in what could have been a very boring sky line.
Taken in February 2006 with my Olympus E-300.